The search engine
for KYC/KYB checks

The search engine
for KYC/KYB checks

Transforming compliance with agents,
a risk intelligence network
and the whole internet

Reinvent investigations with us

Reinvent investigations with us

What we do.

What we do.

What we do.

Entity resolution

across sources

Text to triplet

fact distillation

Adverse media detection

for individuals & businesses

Entity resolution

across sources

Text to triplet

fact distillation

Adverse media detection

for individuals & businesses

Entity resolution

across sources

Text to triplet

fact distillation

Adverse media detection

for individuals & businesses

Complete your KYC/KYB checklist

Get the information you need to speed through your next investigation: adverse media, PEP, sanctions, UBOs, SARs.

Entity resolution

across sources

Text to triplet

fact distillation

Adverse media detection

for individuals & businesses

Complete your KYC/KYB checklist

Get the information you need to speed through your next investigation: adverse media, PEP, sanctions, UBOs, SARs.

Entity resolution

across sources

Text to triplet

fact distillation

Adverse media detection

for individuals & businesses

Complete your KYC/KYB checklist

Get the information you need to speed through your next investigation: adverse media, PEP, sanctions, UBOs, SARs.

Leverage data from everywhere

Leverage data from everywhere

We compile information from news articles, social media, sanctions lists, and local regulations to create the best threat assessment database.

Leverage data from everywhere

We compile information from news articles, social media, sanctions lists, and local regulations to create the best threat assessment database.

Leverage data from everywhere

We compile information from news articles, social media, sanctions lists, and local regulations to create the best threat assessment database.

Access a global risk network

We securely integrate our partners' data using the highest security standards, building the world's most comprehensive risk intelligence network.

Access a global risk network

We securely integrate our partners' data using the highest security standards, building the world's most comprehensive risk intelligence network.

Access a global risk network

We securely integrate our partners' data using the highest security standards, building the world's most comprehensive risk intelligence network.

Sign up today.